Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deactivating Facebook

Well I went through with it. As much as I like having facebook in my life to see whats going on and to keep in touch with my friends, I decided that it was best to deactivate the facebook. I am in contention for a job that I am very interested in, and I have a ton of work coming up the next few weeks thats really important that I do well on.

I figured instead of de-tagging all of the pictures that may be offensive to my potential employer and going through wall posts from friends that were somewhat distasteful, It'd be easier to just deactivate the facebook.

Also, I spend a deceivingly immense amount of time on facebook. For example, when I go to leahy to do work or write a paper, It takes me at least 20 minutes to actually start doing work. I always do my usual rounds of my e-mail, ESPN.COM, MLBtraderumors.com, and the most time consuming, Facebook. I don't think I even realize how much time I waste on facebook.

I noticed while deactivating my facebook, the website asks why you are leaving facebook, and reminds you that your "friends" will miss you. It is very easy to reactivate your facebook, which is good for both the user and the company. I will miss some aspects of facebook, but this was the best choice for me right now.  Here is an interesting graph on time spent on the Internet, facebook is pretty high up there.

Have you guys ever deactivated your facebook or considered it? If so how did you feel about it?


  1. I feel that when it comes time to either deactivate or untag, I will just opt for the name change and go by DJ Burnout instead of Matt DiPietro. Have fun searching for me now corporate!

  2. I have thought about it but I feel like it would be really hard. I am thinking of getting rid of my fbook during finals week this year. I find that is the week I am on fbook the most!

  3. Good points. Ive deactivated my facebook as well at times, then you get the questions of why did you do it and its annoying to explain it every other person that asks you about it.
    haha another good point, im the same way in leahy, at least 20 minutes of checking different websites i really shouldn't care about instead of getting started on getting my work done. The worst part about it is, its always checking random peoples comments or status's that have absolutely no impact on me at all, thus making it even a bigger waste of time.
