This class has been very interesting so far, and I find it useful. As a Media Studies major, I know that in whatever job I have after graduation will probably require me to be very good at using the newest forms of media. I'm sure this is the same for most of the students in this class. We will probably be looked at by our older and less tech-savvy bosses as the employees that will be best at maintaining the organization's facebook or twitter.
An interesting story concerning social media has just come up at a college in Pennsylvania. The school is blocking their students from using any social newtworking sites for one week. The students had mixed reactions. Some felt that they got their work done quicker, while others were annoyed that they could not plan social events or study groups because of the ban.
I think this is an interesting experiment, but it is unfair in the long run. Also it may be slightly arbitrary because students now can access facebook and twitter on their cell phones. I do think that facebook has been a major distraction from school work for me personally, but I also wouldn't like to be banned from accessing it. I think stories like this prove how important social media has become to students and all types of people.
Here is a link to the article on this experiment:
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty excited to see the movie "The Social Network". The preview looks pretty cool and it is an interesting story. It comes out October 1st and hopefully I will have a chance to see it. Here is the link to the wikipedia entry on the movie, which has a lot of information:
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